Source code for s3prl.problem.common.superb_er

The setting of Superb ER

  * Tzu-Hsien Huang 2021
  * Leo 2021
  * Leo 2022

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import pandas as pd
import torch
from omegaconf import MISSING
from import random_split

from s3prl.dataio.corpus.iemocap import IEMOCAP
from import download

from .superb_sid import SuperbSID

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]def iemocap_for_superb( target_dir: str, cache_dir: str, iemocap: str, test_fold: int, valid_ratio: float = 0.2, get_path_only: bool = False, ): """ Prepare IEMOCAP for emotion classfication with SUPERB protocol, following :obj:`SuperbER.prepare_data` format. .. note:: In SUPERB protocol, you need to do 5-fold cross validation. Also, only use 4 emotion classes: :code:`happy`, :code:`angry`, :code:`neutral`, and :code:`sad` with balanced data points and the :code:`excited` class is merged into :code:`happy` class. Args: iemocap (str): The root path of the IEMOCAP test_fold (int): Which fold to use as the test fold, select from 0 to 4 valid_ratio (float): given the remaining 4 folds, how many data to use as the validation set **others: refer to :obj:`SuperbER.prepare_data` """ target_dir = Path(target_dir) train_path = target_dir / f"train.csv" valid_path = target_dir / f"valid.csv" test_paths = [target_dir / f"test.csv"] if get_path_only: return train_path, valid_path, test_paths corpus = IEMOCAP(iemocap) all_datapoints = corpus.all_data def format_fields(data: dict): result = dict() for data_id in data.keys(): datapoint = data[data_id] result[data_id] = dict( wav_path=datapoint["wav_path"], label=datapoint["emotion"], ) return result def filter_data(data_ids: List[str]): result = dict() for data_id in data_ids: data_point = all_datapoints[data_id] if data_point["emotion"] in ["neu", "hap", "ang", "sad", "exc"]: if data_point["emotion"] == "exc": data_point["emotion"] = "hap" result[data_id] = data_point return result test_session_id = test_fold + 1 train_meta_data_json = ( Path(cache_dir) / f"test_session{test_session_id}_train_metadata.json" ) test_meta_data_json = ( Path(cache_dir) / f"test_session{test_session_id}_test_metadata.json" ) download( train_meta_data_json, f"{test_session_id}/train_meta_data.json", refresh=False, ) download( test_meta_data_json, f"{test_session_id}/test_meta_data.json", refresh=False, ) with open(train_meta_data_json) as f: metadata = json.load(f)["meta_data"] dev_ids = [Path(item["path"]).stem for item in metadata] with open(test_meta_data_json) as f: metadata = json.load(f)["meta_data"] test_ids = [Path(item["path"]).stem for item in metadata] train_len = int((1 - valid_ratio) * len(dev_ids)) train_valid_lens = [train_len, len(dev_ids) - train_len] torch.manual_seed(0) train_ids, valid_ids = random_split(dev_ids, train_valid_lens) train_data = format_fields(filter_data(train_ids)) valid_data = format_fields(filter_data(valid_ids)) test_data = format_fields(filter_data(test_ids)) def dict_to_csv(data_dict, csv_path): keys = sorted(list(data_dict.keys())) fields = sorted(data_dict[keys[0]].keys()) data = dict() for field in fields: data[field] = [] for key in keys: data[field].append(data_dict[key][field]) data["id"] = keys df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.to_csv(csv_path, index=False) dict_to_csv(train_data, train_path) dict_to_csv(valid_data, valid_path) dict_to_csv(test_data, test_paths[0]) return train_path, valid_path, test_paths
[docs]class SuperbER(SuperbSID):
[docs] def default_config(self) -> dict: return dict( start=0, stop=None, target_dir=MISSING, cache_dir=None, remove_all_cache=False, prepare_data=dict( iemocap=MISSING, test_fold=MISSING, ), build_encoder=dict(), build_dataset=dict(), build_batch_sampler=dict( train=dict( batch_size=4, shuffle=True, ), valid=dict( batch_size=4, ), test=dict( batch_size=4, ), ), build_upstream=dict( name=MISSING, ), build_featurizer=dict( layer_selections=None, normalize=False, ), build_downstream=dict( hidden_size=256, ), build_model=dict( upstream_trainable=False, ), build_task=dict(), build_optimizer=dict( name="Adam", conf=dict( lr=1.0e-4, ), ), build_scheduler=dict( name="ExponentialLR", gamma=0.9, ), save_model=dict(), save_task=dict(), train=dict( total_steps=30000, log_step=500, eval_step=1000, save_step=1000, gradient_clipping=1.0, gradient_accumulate=8, valid_metric="accuracy", valid_higher_better=True, auto_resume=True, resume_ckpt_dir=None, ), evaluate=dict(), )
[docs] def prepare_data( self, prepare_data: dict, target_dir: str, cache_dir: str, get_path_only: bool = False, ): """ Prepare the task-specific data metadata (path, labels...). By default call :obj:`iemocap_for_superb` with :code:`**prepare_data` Args: prepare_data (dict): same in :obj:`default_config`, support arguments in :obj:`iemocap_for_superb` target_dir (str): Parse your corpus and save the csv file into this directory cache_dir (str): If the parsing or preprocessing takes too long time, you can save the temporary files into this directory. This directory is expected to be shared across different training sessions (different hypers and :code:`target_dir`) get_path_only (str): Directly return the filepaths no matter they exist or not. Returns: tuple 1. train_path (str) 2. valid_path (str) 3. test_paths (List[str]) Each path (str) should be a csv file containing the following columns: ==================== ==================== column description ==================== ==================== id (str) - the unique id for this data point wav_path (str) - the absolute path of the waveform file label (str) - a string label of the waveform start_sec (float) - optional, load the waveform from :code:`start_sec` seconds. If not presented or is :code:`math.nan`, load from the beginning. end_sec (float) - optional, load the waveform from :code:`end_sec` seconds. If not presented or is :code:`math.nan`, load to the end. ==================== ==================== """ return iemocap_for_superb( **self._get_current_arguments(flatten_dict="prepare_data") )