

The backbone run procedure of ASV tasks

  • Haibin Wu 2022

  • Leo 2022



Bases: Problem

run(target_dir: str, cache_dir: str, remove_all_cache: bool = False, start: int = 0, stop: Optional[int] = None, num_workers: int = 6, eval_batch: int = -1, device: str = 'cuda', world_size: int = 1, rank: int = 0, test_ckpt_dir: Optional[str] = None, test_ckpt_steps: Optional[List[int]] = None, prepare_data: Optional[dict] = None, build_encoder: Optional[dict] = None, build_dataset: Optional[dict] = None, build_batch_sampler: Optional[dict] = None, build_collate_fn: Optional[dict] = None, build_upstream: Optional[dict] = None, build_featurizer: Optional[dict] = None, build_downstream: Optional[dict] = None, build_model: Optional[dict] = None, build_task: Optional[dict] = None, build_optimizer: Optional[dict] = None, build_scheduler: Optional[dict] = None, save_model: Optional[dict] = None, save_task: Optional[dict] = None, train: Optional[dict] = None, evaluate: Optional[dict] = None)[source][source]#




Parse the corpus and save the metadata file (waveform path, label…)


Build the encoder for encoding the speaker labels


Train the model


Evaluate the model on multiple test sets, multiple checkpoints will be evaluated for each test set (See test_ckpt_steps)


Report the best result find on each test set

  • target_dir (str) – The directory that stores the script result.

  • cache_dir (str) – The directory that caches the processed data. Default: /home/user/.cache/s3prl/data

  • remove_all_cache (bool) – Whether to remove all the cache stored under cache_dir. Default: False

  • start (int) – The starting stage of the problem script. Default: 0

  • stop (int) – The stoping stage of the problem script, set None to reach the final stage. Default: None

  • num_workers (int) – num_workers for all the torch DataLoder

  • eval_batch (int) – During evaluation (valid or test), limit the number of batch. This is helpful for the fast development to check everything won’t crash. If is -1, disable this feature and evaluate the entire epoch. Default: -1

  • device (str) – The device type for all torch-related operation: “cpu” or “cuda” Default: “cuda”

  • world_size (int) – How many processes are running this script simultaneously (in parallel). Usually this is just 1, however if you are runnig distributed training, this should be > 1. Default: 1

  • rank (int) – When distributed training, world_size > 1. Take world_size == 8 for example, this means 8 processes (8 GPUs) are runing in parallel. The script needs to know which process among 8 processes it is. In this case, rank can range from 0~7. All the 8 processes have the same world_size but different rank (process id).

  • test_ckpt_dir (str) – Specify the checkpoint path for testing. If not, use checkpoints specified by test_ckpts_steps.

  • test_ckpt_steps (List[int]) – After training, multiple steps of checkpoints are saved. This option specifies which checkpoints (multiple) will be used for evaluation.

  • **kwds – The other arguments like prepare_data and build_model are method specific-arguments for methods like prepare_data and build_model, and will not be used in the core run logic. See the specific method documentation for their supported arguments and meaning

build_task(build_task: dict, model, encoder, test_trials=None)[source][source]#

Build the task, which defines the logics for every train/valid/test forward step for the model, and the logics for how to reduce all the batch results from multiple train/valid/test steps into metrics

By default build SpeakerVerification

  • build_task (dict) – same in default_config, no argument supported for now

  • model (torch.nn.Module) – the model built by build_model

  • encoder – the encoder built by build_encoder

  • test_trials (List[Tuple[int, str, str]]) – each tuple in the list consists of (label, enroll_utt_id, test_utt_id). label is either 0 or 1



build_collate_fn(build_collate_fn: dict, mode: str)[source]#

By default returns s3prl.dataset.base.default_collate_fn

  • build_collate_fn (dict) – same in default_config, no argument supported for now

  • mode (str) – train, valid, or test



the collate_fn for torch DataLoader in train/valid/test mode

build_featurizer(build_featurizer: dict, upstream)[source]#

By default build the featurizer with s3prl.nn.Featurizer



Return the featurizer model. The featurizer is used to reduce the multiple hidden states returned from the upstream model (built by build_upstream) into a single hidden state, so can be easliy fed into the downstream model

build_model(build_model: dict, model_output_size: int, build_upstream: dict, build_featurizer: dict, build_downstream: dict)[source]#

By default build model with s3prl.nn.upstream.UpstreamDownstreamModel

  • build_model (dict) – same in default_config, arguments for s3prl.nn.upstream.UpstreamDownstreamModel

  • model_output_size (int) – the required model’s output hidden size

  • build_upstream (dict) – same in default_config, refer to build_upstream

  • build_featurizer (dict) – same in default_config, refer to build_featurizer

  • build_downstream (dict) – same in default_config, refer to build_downstream



Return the entire model for the task, which takes the direct items from DataLoader as the input. Usually, the components can be built by build_upstream, build_featurizer, build_downstream, and are concated together to get the final model. The upstream extracts multiple hidden states, the featuizer reduce them into a single hidden state, and the downstream takes the hidden states as the feature for the downstream-specific model.

build_optimizer(build_optimizer: dict, parameters)[source]#
  • build_optimizer (dict) –

    same in default_config, refer to below




    (str) - the optimizer class name in torch.optim


    (dict) - the arguments for initializing the optimizer class. e.g. {"lr": 1.0e-4}

  • parameters (iterable) – the standard params accepted by torch.optim.Optimizer.



An optimizer following standard torch usage

build_scheduler(build_scheduler: dict, optimizer)[source]#
  • build_scheduler (dict) –

    same in default_config




    (str) - the scheduler class name in torch.optim.lr_scheduler


    (dict) - the arguments for initializing the scheduler class. e.g. {"gamma": 0.01} for torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR

  • optimizer – the standard torch optimizer accepted by Scheduler in torch.optim.lr_scheduler.


torch scheduler

A scheduler following standard torch usage

build_upstream(build_upstream: dict)[source]#

By default build the upstream with s3prl.nn.upstream.S3PRLUpstream


build_upstream (dict) – same in default_config, arguments for s3prl.nn.upstream.S3PRLUpstream



Return an upstream model, whose forward takes the waveform input and returns multiple hidden states as features.

evaluate(evaluate: dict, mode: str, task, dataset, batch_sampler, collate_fn, eval_batch: int, dump_dir: str, device: str, num_workers: int)[source]#

The evaluate routine used by train (during validation phase) and run (during testing phase).

  • evaluate (dict) – same in default_config, no argument supported for now

  • **others – only meaningful when you want to override this train method, which is not the common case. Hence we skip the documentation for now.

classmethod get_class_from_name(name: str)[source]#

name (str) – the __name__ of the problem class



load_model(model_ckpt_dir: str)[source]#

Return the saved model.


model_ckpt_dir (str) – Restore the model with build_model and the checkpoint saved in this directory.



load_model_and_task(ckpts_dir: str, task_overrides: Optional[dict] = None)[source]#

This is a helper method to combine load_model and load_task together to directly load the model and the task. This method assumes the model is saved under ckpts_dir / 'model' and the task is saved under ckpts_dir / 'task'



  1. model (torch.nn.Module)

  2. task (s3prl.task.Task)

load_task(task_ckpt_dir: str, model: Module, task_overrides: Optional[dict] = None)[source]#

Return the saved task.

  • task_ckpt_dir (str) – Restore the task with build_task and the checkpoint saved in this directory.

  • model (torch.nn.Module) – the model for the task, since the model is separately saved and is required for build_task.

  • task_overrides (dict) – overrides the saved initialization arguments, so can change the loaded task’s behavior. Like, change the decoding hyperparameters.



main(args: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]#
save_model(save_model: dict, model_ckpt_dir: str, build_model_all_args: dict, model: Module)[source]#

Save the model state_dict and the model initialization arguments into the given directory. If you override this method, it is highly possible you also need to override load_model

  • save_model (dict) – same in default_config, so the user can save additional settings, like the configuration of the dataset by duplicating the dataset hypers inside the save_model field. You can rely on the omegaconf package to simplify the duplication.

  • model_ckpt_dir (str) – save the model into the this directory.

  • build_model_all_args (dict) – all the arguments of build_model. By saving this dictionary, you can easily reconstruct the same model by calling build_model with the saved dictionary.

  • model (torch.nn.Module) – the model to be saved.



save_task(save_task: dict, task_ckpt_dir: str, build_task_all_args_except_model: dict, task: Task)[source]#

Save the task’s state, task.get_state(), and the initialization arguments into the given directory. If you override this method, it is highly possible you also need to override load_task.

  • save_task (dict) – same in default_config, so the user can save additional settings, like the configuration of the dataset by duplicating the dataset hypers inside the save_task field. You can rely on the omegaconf package to simplify the duplication.

  • task_ckpt_dir (str) – save the task into this directory.

  • build_task_all_args_except_model (dict) – all the arguments of build_task except the model argument since the model should be sapartely saved by save_model. By saving this dictionary, you can easily reconstruct the same task by calling build_task with the saved dictionary.

  • task (Task) – the task to be saved.



train(train: dict, train_dir: str, build_model_all_args: dict, build_task_all_args_except_model: dict, save_model: dict, save_task: dict, build_optimizer: dict, build_scheduler: dict, evaluate: dict, train_dataset, train_batch_sampler, train_collate_fn, valid_dataset, valid_batch_sampler, valid_collate_fn, num_workers: int, world_size: int, rank: int, eval_batch: int, device: str, global_config: Optional[dict] = None)[source]#
  • train (dict) –

    same in default_config




    (int) - the total optimization steps


    (int) - logging frequency. log every log_step step


    (int) - evaluation frequency. Evaluate every eval_step step. Note that you can control how many batch to evaluate to speed up the development by the eval_batch argument in run


    (int) - save the checkpoint every save_step step.


    (float) - clip the gradient. important for RNNs.


    (int) - accumulate multiple steps’ gradient before updating network parameters to simulate large-batch optimization.


    (str) - the metric to select the best valid checkpoint. Different Tasks have different supported valid_metrics. See build_task for the supported metrics.


    (bool) - some metrics are higher better, while some are lower better this will affect how to save the best validation checkpoint.


    (bool) - if there are already the last checkpoint in target_dir (see run), whether to resume from it or delete it and start a new training session.


    (str) - you can directly specify the checkpoint path to resume which is not necessary in target_dir (see run).


    (int) - fix the seed before the training start


    (int) - to prevent saving too many checkpoints, only save the keep_num_ckpts latest checkpoints and delete the old ones.


    (bool) - whether to use the scheduler

  • **others – only meaningful when you want to override this train method, which is not the common case. Hence we skip the documentation for now.