General Guideline#

Thank you for considering contributing to S3PRL, we really appreciate it.

However, due to the increasing difficulty of maintenance, please understand that we might not accept the new feature.

Hence, before submitting the implemented pull request, please submit your feature request to the Github issue page so we can discuss about whether we want it and how to achieve it.


If we did not go through this discussion, the pull request will not be dealt with and will be directly closed.


Submit your feature request on our Github Issue page to propose features and changes.

Please wait for our response and do not move on to the following steps before we have a consensus on what is going to be changed.


Clone the repository to S3PRL_ROOT and install the package

git clone ${S3PRL_ROOT}
cd ${S3PRL_ROOT}

pip install -e ".[dev]"
# This installs the dependencies for the full functionality of S3PRL in the editable mode,
# including the dependencies for development like testing and building doc


Add unit tests to ${S3PRL_ROOT}/test/ to test your own new modules

Verify you pass all the tests

cd ${S3PRL_ROOT}


Make sure you write the documentation on the modules’ docstring

Build the documentation and make sure it looks correct

cd ${S3PRL_ROOT}/docs

# build

# launch http server
python3 -m http.server -d build/html/

# You can then use a browser to access the doc webpage on: YOUR_IP_OR_LOCALHOST:8000

Coding-style check#

Stage your changes



Please do not use git add . to add all the files under your repository. If there are files not ignored by git (specified in .gitignore), like temporary experiment result files, they will all be added into git version control, which will mess out our repository.


In our .gitignore, there are lots of ignored files especially for .yaml and .sh files. If the config files or the shell scripts are important, please remember to add them forcely, for example :code::git add -f asr.yaml

Run pre-commit to apply the standardized coding-style on YOUR_CHANGED_OR_ADDED_FILES_ONLY

pre-commit run

If the results show there are files modified by pre-commit, you need to re-stage these files following the previous step.

Commit / Push#

Commit and push the changes

git commit -m "YOUR_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
git push origin "YOUR_BRANCH"

(Optional) Test against multiple environments#

We leverage tox to simulate multiple envs, see the tox configuration for more information. Tox helps automate the pipeline of creating different virtual envs, installing differnet dependencies of S3PRL, running different testing commands. Our Github Action CI also relies on tox, hence you can debug the CI error locally with tox.

Before using tox, make sure your cli can launch the following python versions. Usually, this can be achieved via pyenv

  • python3.7

  • python3.8

  • python3.9

  • python3.10

List all the available environments. An environment means a pre-defined routine of packaging S3PRL, installing S3PRL, installing specific dependencies, test specific commands. See tox configuration for more information.

tox -l

Suppose there is an environment named all_upstream-py38-audio0.12.1, you can also test against this specific env:

tox -e all_upstream-py38-audio0.12.1

Test all environments. This simulate the environments you will meet on the Github Action CI


Send a pull request#

Verify your codes are in the proper format

./ci/ --check
# If this fails, simply remove --check to do the actual formatting

Make sure you add test cases and your change pass the tests


Send a pull request on GitHub