Source code for s3prl.nn.specaug

Specaug modules

  * Xuankai Chang 2021
  * ShampooWang, cornliu 2021
  * Leo 2022

#   FileName     [ ]
#   Author       [ S3PRL, Xuankai Chang ]
#   Copyright    [ Copyleft(c), Speech Lab, NTU, Taiwan ]
# Adaptive_SpecAugment Author: ShampooWang, cornliu

import torch


__all__ = [

[docs]class ModelWithSpecaug(torch.nn.Module): """ Insert a Specaug module in front of the input model Args: model (torch.nn.Module) specaug_conf (dict): the arguments for :obj:`SpecAug` """ def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, **specaug_conf) -> None: super().__init__() self.model = model self.specaug = SpecAug(**specaug_conf) @property def input_size(self) -> int: return self.model.input_size @property def output_size(self) -> int: return self.model.output_size
[docs] def forward(self, x, x_len, **others): """ The input :code:`x` will be augmented with Specaug and feed into the following :code:`model` Args: x (torch.FloatTensor): (batch_size, seq_len, input_size) x_len (torch.LongTensor): (batch_size) Returns: The exact returns as that of the :code:`model` during initialization """ if x, x_len = self.specaug(x, x_len) return self.model(x, x_len, **others)
[docs]class SpecAug(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, apply_time_warp: bool = True, time_warp_window: int = 5, time_warp_mode: str = "bicubic", apply_freq_mask: bool = True, freq_mask_width_range: tuple = (0, 20), num_freq_mask: int = 2, apply_time_mask: bool = True, time_mask_width_range: tuple = (0, 100), num_time_mask: int = 2, adaptive_number_ratio: float = 0.04, adaptive_size_ratio: float = 0.04, max_n_time_masks: int = 20, adaptive: bool = False, ): assert any([apply_time_warp, apply_freq_mask, apply_time_mask]) super().__init__() self.apply_time_warp = apply_time_warp self.apply_freq_mask = apply_freq_mask self.apply_time_mask = apply_time_mask if apply_time_warp: self.time_warp = TimeWarp(window=time_warp_window, mode=time_warp_mode) else: self.time_warp = None if apply_freq_mask: self.freq_mask = MaskAlongAxis( dim="freq", mask_width_range=freq_mask_width_range, num_mask=num_freq_mask, ) else: self.freq_mask = None if apply_time_mask: self.time_mask = MaskAlongAxis( dim="time", mask_width_range=time_mask_width_range, num_mask=num_time_mask, adaptive=adaptive, adaptive_number_ratio=adaptive_number_ratio, adaptive_size_ratio=adaptive_size_ratio, max_n_time_masks=max_n_time_masks, ) else: self.time_mask = None
[docs] def apply_specaug(self, x, x_lengths=None): if self.time_warp is not None: x, x_lengths = self.time_warp(x, x_lengths) if self.freq_mask is not None: x, x_lengths = self.freq_mask(x, x_lengths) if self.time_mask is not None: x, x_lengths = self.time_mask(x, x_lengths) return x, x_lengths
[docs] def forward(self, x, x_len): """ Args: x (torch.FloatTensor): (batch_size, seq_len, input_size) x_len (torch.LongTensor): (batch_size, ) Returns: tuple: 1. y (torch.FloatTensor): (batch_size, seq_len, output_size) 2. y_len (torch.LongTensor): (batch_size, ) """ assert len(x.shape) == 3 x, _ = self.apply_specaug(x, x_len) for batch_id in range(len(x)): x[batch_id, x_len[batch_id] :] = 0 return x, x_len
class TimeWarp(torch.nn.Module): """Time warping using torch.interpolate. Args: window: time warp parameter mode: Interpolate mode """ def __init__(self, window=80, mode=DEFAULT_TIME_WARP_MODE): super().__init__() self.window = window self.mode = mode def extra_repr(self): return f"window={self.window}, mode={self.mode}" def time_warp(self, x): org_size = x.size() if x.dim() == 3: # x: (Batch, Time, Freq) -> (Batch, 1, Time, Freq) x = x[:, None] t = x.shape[2] if t - self.window <= self.window: return x.view(*org_size) center = torch.randint(self.window, t - self.window, (1,))[0] warped = torch.randint(center - self.window, center + self.window, (1,))[0] + 1 # left: (Batch, Channel, warped, Freq) # right: (Batch, Channel, time - warped, Freq) left = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( x[:, :, :center], (warped, x.shape[3]), mode=self.mode, align_corners=False ) right = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( x[:, :, center:], (t - warped, x.shape[3]), mode=self.mode, align_corners=False, ) if x.requires_grad: x =[left, right], dim=-2) else: x[:, :, :warped] = left x[:, :, warped:] = right return x.view(*org_size) def forward(self, x, x_lengths=None): """Forward function. Args: x: (Batch, Time, Freq) x_lengths: (Batch,) """ ys = x.new_zeros(x.size()) for i in range(x.size(0)): _y = self.time_warp( x[i][None, : x_lengths[i]], )[0] ys[i, : x_lengths[i]] = _y return ys, x_lengths class MaskAlongAxis(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, mask_width_range=(0, 30), num_mask=2, dim="time", replace_with_zero=True, adaptive_number_ratio=0.04, adaptive_size_ratio=0.04, max_n_time_masks=20, adaptive=False, ): if isinstance(mask_width_range, int): mask_width_range = (0, mask_width_range) if len(mask_width_range) != 2: raise TypeError( f"mask_width_range must be a tuple of int and int values: " f"{mask_width_range}", ) assert mask_width_range[1] > mask_width_range[0] if isinstance(dim, str): if dim == "time": dim = 1 elif dim == "freq": dim = 2 else: raise ValueError("dim must be int, 'time' or 'freq'") if dim == 1: self.mask_axis = "time" elif dim == 2: self.mask_axis = "freq" else: self.mask_axis = "unknown" super().__init__() self.mask_width_range = mask_width_range self.num_mask = num_mask self.dim = dim self.replace_with_zero = replace_with_zero ############################################### self.adaptive = adaptive self.adaptive_number_ratio = adaptive_number_ratio self.adaptive_size_ratio = adaptive_size_ratio self.max_n_time_masks = max_n_time_masks ############################################### def mask_along_axis(self, spec, spec_lengths): org_size = spec.size() if spec.dim() == 4: # spec: (Batch, Channel, Length, Freq) -> (Batch * Channel, Length, Freq) spec = spec.view(-1, spec.size(2), spec.size(3)) B = spec.shape[0] # D = Length or Freq D = spec.shape[self.dim] T = self.mask_width_range[1] num_mask = self.num_mask if self.dim == 1 & self.adaptive: if self.adaptive_number_ratio > 0: num_mask = min( int(self.adaptive_number_ratio * D), self.max_n_time_masks ) if self.adaptive_size_ratio > 0: T = min(self.mask_width_range[1], int(self.adaptive_size_ratio * D)) # mask_length: (B, num_mask, 1) mask_length = torch.randint( self.mask_width_range[0], T + 1, (B, num_mask), device=spec.device, ).unsqueeze(2) # mask_pos: (B, num_mask, 1) mask_pos = torch.randint( 0, max(1, D - mask_length.max()), (B, num_mask), device=spec.device ).unsqueeze(2) # aran: (1, 1, D) aran = torch.arange(D, device=spec.device)[None, None, :] # mask: (Batch, num_mask, D) mask = (mask_pos <= aran) * (aran < (mask_pos + mask_length)) # Multiply masks: (Batch, num_mask, D) -> (Batch, D) mask = mask.any(dim=1) if self.dim == 1: # mask: (Batch, Length, 1) mask = mask.unsqueeze(2) elif self.dim == 2: # mask: (Batch, 1, Freq) mask = mask.unsqueeze(1) if self.replace_with_zero: value = 0.0 else: value = spec.mean() if spec.requires_grad: spec = spec.masked_fill(mask, value) else: spec = spec.masked_fill_(mask, value) spec = spec.view(*org_size) return spec, spec_lengths def forward(self, spec, spec_lengths=None): """Forward function. Args: spec: (Batch, Length, Freq) """ return self.mask_along_axis( spec, spec_lengths, )