
S3PRL is a toolkit targeting for Self-Supervised Learning for speech processing. Its full name is Self-Supervised Speech Pre-training and Representation Learning. It supports the following three major features:

  • Pre-training

    • You can train the following models from scratch:

    • Mockingjay, Audio ALBERT, TERA, APC, VQ-APC, NPC, and DistilHuBERT

  • Pre-trained models (Upstream) collection

    • Easily load most of the existing upstream models with pretrained weights in a unified I/O interface.

    • Pretrained models are registered through torch.hub, which means you can use these models in your own project by one-line plug-and-play without depending on this toolkit’s coding style.

  • Downstream Evaluation

    • Utilize upstream models in lots of downstream tasks

    • The official implementation of the SUPERB Benchmark

Getting Started#

How to Contribute#

API Documentation#


Common model and loss in pure torch.nn.Module with torch dependency only


Pre-defined python recipes with customizable methods


Define how a model is trained & evaluated for each step in the train/valid/test loop


This package handles data-related sub-tasks


Evaluation metrics


Handy tools

Indices and tables#